Monday, 11 December 2006

9 and 11 Traditions and a tree

Here is my no 9 Traditions - my sister delivered on the photo front (thanks!) so here is the family house, now almost 30 years old. I've told the story behind the little paper flaps, of making the house in art class when I was about 12, then making it into a Christmas snow scene, and Mum got the Santa sleigh and reindeer out of Dad's shop to add to it. So it came out every year, even after I'd left home to go to uni, Mum kept doing it. Now Dad's no longer with us, and Mum lives with my sister's family, and so my elder nephew did it, and this year the younger one did it. So it's our family tradition. And they are great things. To be cherished. And enjoyed. And for me, a new tradition has begun, for this year I put up a Christmas tree for the first time ever! I remember one year I put tinsel round a rubber plant, and I've been hanging tree decs all over the flat for the past few years, but this year it seemed that the time had come. So this entry was an easy one to do, and I have to say, I love my tree!


Chiara said...

great entry

Jenn said...

Your tree looks great. I love your little house and scene and the tradition surrounding it. Great story and pages!

Anonymous said...

Your pages are SO lovely! I love how that shade of green is the constant. And your tree is wonderful! Very inspiring! Cheers!

Guinevere said...

Your tree is so pretty - lovely page. I also love your little house and the tradition you have created for your family.

Lauren said...

Such a sweet little house! And a new tradition for you too!

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

Your pages are wonderful. I really love this tree page.

Latharia said...

What a wonderful tradition with your art house!

And your first tree -- THAT is worth documenting!! :)