Saturday, 30 December 2006

Reflections of a year

When you look at a year, you will see yourself reflected in it. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. One should take time to reflect, to be happy and sad, to laugh and to smile, to be thankful and to be hopeful, and to move on to the year that is ahead. This is the year that I started to scrap. This was today's page, I didn't want to go down the counting out events and listing things route, probably because I don't really keep such details in mind but just wanted to do something that captured the Hogmanay tendency to look back and get a little bit maudlin (and to enjoy it!) I also put in something for day 29, silly really cos these are pictures of two of Christmas decs but I kind of liked the thought!


Mitchy said...

Hi Flapsi ... loving your blog, how do you get all those cool things down the side?

Anonymous said...

Love the 2006 cut out - gorgeous pages!