Tuesday, 12 December 2006

12 Christmases -then and now- and us

Well, I never thought I'd have a page with nothing on it but some star shaped journalling - so I guess the thing I thought I'd never use from my stash is 'nothing'! This just kind of happened cos I didn't know what pictures to use or what to do so I found myself pouring out rather random reactions to the prompt in the star shape. At one point it was going to be a Christmas tree, but it turned into a star.... The words read: Over the years Christmas is the same, yet every year it is different too. Some years are very different - the year I was in Oz, and the year Dad died, and this year I am playing at the Old Course Hotel so won't be around for dinner or pressie giving or church. One year I was ill and stayed in Symington on my own as I couldn't travel. Some years I have been ill on or around Christmas, some years just very tired, some years I have been studying hard. Christmas at Greenock was always a lovely break from the rest of the year, a recharging of batteries. Some times I've been bored on Christmas Day, doing the polite visitors routine, not being able to relax. Sometimes I just eat too much instead, or have another drink or go off to my room to read or play. But I am looking forward to Christmas this year. I feel prepared to enjoy myself, to be happy and relaxed. To scrap too! To continue this journal. To catch up on crafty things. To see Rab. To play with my nephews. To relax and enjoy this special time with the people I love and want to spend time with. To go for walks, cook good food, laugh, give, receive, love, be silly, for this is this year, the same but different to every other year. We are getting older and Christmases will keep changing as we change whether we want to or not. So let's just enjoy, and think, and be happy.


Debra said...

love the star , how did you make it ?is it a stamp or handwritten ? :)always love stars

twinkly :)

Jenn said...

Great journaling! I love your star shape too!

Stephanie said...

Very cool pages!