Saturday, 7 February 2009

Getting bigger!

Blanket update - the soft shetland is, well, softer than the shetland heather wool so having tried it I ripped it back out and decided to just see how far I can go with the heather wool I have. Maybe the soft shetland could be a big border if needed. We'll see. I've gone onto circular needles as it was getting too big for straights and have discovered I seem to knit a bit looser on circs... oh well. Still loving it though, and it's another sunny morning here, so if you don't have to go far in the snowy showers then it's fab! I've been doing more of the tidying etc, and that feels good - have just shredded all my old tax and work stuff up to about 2002 - that was a big bag of paper I didn'tneed in my life!

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