Thursday, 14 June 2007

Right Now!

Week 23 of Emily Falconbridge's Art Journal Card challenge and the prompt is 'right now'. Well, right now, I feel like thing have really got to change. I am fat and tired and sore today, and after walking round London yesterday and flying back home I am realizing that I cannot live like this and have the kind of life I want. I am not healthy and I have to lose weight, get fitter and become healthier. In other words, having decluttered the flat I now need to move on to me, and change things round to get the body I need to live my life. I know it won't happen overnight (I didn't get like this overnight!) and I will need to be very disciplined and sort out a few emotional lifestyle issues which result in me eating too much and the wrong things. And I will need to start liking exercise. But I enjoyed my trip yesterday, it was sunny and hot and great to see places you'd only seen on the telly before. But I also hate the fact that my skin is chafed and sore, my feet are blistered and I was so tired I went to bed and slept this afternoon. Hhmmm, food for thought (rather than for my mouth!) The pink flower lists what I am "fat,tired, sore" and the purple flower where I am headed "healthy, organised, happy". I'll keep you informed!


Unknown said...

Fantastic card :)

Marjolein said...

This is great!! Go for it, good luck girl!!

valerie said...

Fab card I know how you feel seem to have got in a downwood spiral as far as weight is concerened so good luck with going to sort myself out too


suebaru said...

Great card! Good luck with the 'life changes'!

Je@net said...

Great card and good luck!!

Anonymous said...

this is COOL :)

Paula J Atkinson said...

Really great card. Love the colour.