Thursday, 28 June 2007

Hello again

Back now from working away again, and after the obligatory day or two of sheer collapse and this time unfortunately, trying to unkink my back, here I am catching up on Emily Falconbridge's art journal challenge. Week 24 "Remember when...", something random you'd never journalled or created about before. So this was from my first trip abroad, to Helsinki, in 1989. And week 25 is a photo that means something. This was hard cos it's kind of a small size for a photo, but this is one of the little buddha on the road home / road north, on a high point on the road, looking out over the loch and the mountains. Lots of people must stop and leave little stone piles and thoughts, but I never see them, I always have him to myself. I don't always stop, but it's nice to know he's there. Peaceful and calming.


Jen said...

I love the idea of a little Buddha sitting on the side of the road! Great picture and card!

Unknown said...

Fantastic cards :)

Paula J Atkinson said...

Great cards. Glad you are home & caught up.x

Marjolein said...

What a great cards!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the cards, give the budha next time my greetings when you see him again....