Saturday, 6 January 2007

All goods things come to an end...

It's twelfth night, and the end of the journal, *sniff*, I can't quite believe that it's over, or that I've finished on time, season of miracles indeed! This has been a great thing for me to do, both creatively and emotionally, it really has given me back Christmas as a time to enjoy. And that is quite some gift. So huge thanks to Shimelle for this class ... can't wait for the next one.... and also to all the wonderful scrappers I've 'met' on the group and been inpsired by their work both on their blogs and on, and who have helped me along so much with their fun and inspiring comments here. Here's to next year! We were also asked to take some photos of the finished book, so here goes: Hhmm, did I say I was finished? Think I'll maybe just go and put some ribbons on the spiral binding ...


Guinevere said...

This is looking great - I have not quite finished yet - but like you feel really sorry that it is over - and can't wait to find out what the next class will be. Hope to "see" you there too! Will be trying to keep blogging and looking in on my newly met friends>
jennie xx

Latharia said...

Just beautiful!!! Love this! I still have to get my title & cover page done!