Saturday, 3 March 2007

You're my best friend!

Hi folks, back again from the wet one day and strangely sunny the next north west. I was at a yoga class today, so have been kind of tired this evening with only one wee layout and absolutely no tidying up done at all. It's an intensive start up yoga weekend so I'm back there at 10am tomorrow, let's hope I can cope!
So this is what I did tonight. My UKS team, the Bitty Blossoms, are runnng an in house fortnightly challenge, and this time it was to use a photo of your other half or best friend, 4 patterned papers, cut with straight edges like patchwork and stitching. Well, I still don't have a piccie of my OH (I know, I'll get kicked out of the scrappers' club), but this wee bear, which you may remember celebrated his 21st birthday at Hogmanay, is definitely a good candidate for best friend!


Latharia said...

I love you, too, little bear!! :D

Guinevere said...

Oh he's so sweet - a really special Best Friend isn't he? Reminds me of a Forever Friends Bear - he's lovely.
Jennie xx

Paula J Atkinson said...

How lovely this page is. I scrapped my bear a month or so ago & he is definately my best friend.