Had some fun with a couple of los, seems like ages since I've done any, where has March gone already? The hands one is following Kirsty and Roz's Book of Me prompts on UKS, and this month the challenge was to - use your hand prints! I kept it very simple, partly because I've been doing all my BOM los on 8x8s and I have big hands so didn't have much room left, and partly cos I just thought that well, my hands do everything in my life, so I wanted to sum it up in one sentence rather than keep on stating things. So my sentence is........"My hands - a me to the world interface system!" Can you tell I've been doing computer courses again??
My other lo is for my UKS team's in house fortnightly challenge, and this was a hard one - to scrap your favourite waste of time - I mean how can you choose when I have so many? We also had to use green and orange. So my favourite waste of time is..... words. Yep, in all guises (including blogs!), if I want to waste time I usually read a book. or play scrabble or boggle, or text, or email or......... So, what's your favourite waste of time?
Love the hands. Can't believe you waste time!!!
Very clever LO!!!
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