Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Go north and west...my favourite place

Quite tired today, after teaching all day, but feel a bit more refreshed after doing a quick lo before bed! My UKS team, the Bitty Blossoms, is running a fortnightly in house challenge, 6x6 los on a favourite theme. This one was a favourite place, and had to include your own handwriting. I found it hard to finalise on just one place when I realised it was a type of place I love, usually found on the west coast here, so used a few photos and lots of description. Journalling reads:
Pure clean sands, dramatic skies, deep earthy colours, sheep everywhere, standing stones stark against the horizon, everchanging weather and light, lichen and moss on rocks and stones. Waves crashing on a rocky coastline, green and grey against the sky. Scotland, a wonderful place, go north and west...


Unknown said...

Like the handwritten journalling and the way it goes all over the LO.

Guinevere said...

This LO really "speaks" to me - all places that mean things to me and satisfy the artist in my soul. Thanks so much for sharing.
Jennie xx