Wednesday, 30 April 2008

And the months go flying by...

In January my UKS team - the Bitty Blossoms - decided to do a book of months with prompts set by team member Willow. They're great prompts, but I have only now got round to starting. Well, work kind of gets in the way of playing sometimes. But having finished Shimelle's No Place Like Home class, and made the book for Save the Day (still to bind and take piccies) I thought I should try to catch up. I love the feeling of being caught up - it's very special as it's so fleeting!
So the January prompt was 'something that makes you smile in January' - something we all need! And this is me dancing with my nephew just after the bells on Hogmanay!
The February prompt was that as the moon was in Virgo it's a good time to break bad habits, so focus on a bad habit on a lo and leave lots of white space. This is my thoughtful pressie from above nephew to help my bad habit breaking - a little diet police radar - it shouts at you when open the biscuit tin!! My bad habit is of course that I eat too much.March saw the Spring Equinox, new beginnings and rebirth - so we had to focus on something new. Here I am in my new shirt painting easter eggs.

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