Tuesday, 17 July 2007

New jackets!

Been busy knitting this past wee while and have just finished off two jackets - all ready for autumn! The first one is in colinette point five which knitted up so quickly, but I kept having to send off for more skeins (but I did make it a bit longer than in the pattern, and I could have done less of the sleeves!) The second one I knitted up to my own pattern using Rowan big wool and a skein of noro iro - both bought at about half price, and of course, kept in the stash drawer for over a year..... I must admit I kept trying to find a big wool pattern I liked but never managed it, so knitted this up instead, only on much smaller pins than the ball band suggests....


Eleni Gratsia said...

Beautiful knitting!!! :D Are you doing Shimelle's new class?

BTW, Tag ... you ROCK!! Check out my blog!!

Stig said...

Lovely jackets. I love both these yarns

Nina said...

I hope one day I will be able to knit like that!