Saturday, 31 March 2007

German minibook

I really got into the minibook I did recently, and remembered that I'd been given this blank book for Christmas so decided to use it for piccies of various trips to Germany over the past few years. I've always gone over to the same area near Bonn, for work and sightseeing and visiting friends. It's a lovely part of the world, with great food and friendly people. Here's a few pages from the book. Stamps are Banana Frog's Fireworks, and other than some scraps of patterned paper and the book itself, that's all I used really.

Thursday, 29 March 2007


Been playing with blogthings again.... saw this one on Kirsty's blog, so just had to have a go (check out the side panel further down the page). Quite relieved to know my dominant intelligence is musical. There's a relief! So what's yours?

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I believe Week 12

I believe in lots of things, but basically I believe in myself, that I can live the kind of life I want to live, that it's all in the mind so to speak, that life is there for me to make something of no matter what happens, that to be happy and have a good life is to have the right state of mind. I also hope that you will believe that this is not really a tiggerish orange and black colour scheme (though Tigger is not a bad role model really) but actually the same nice copper paint I used before. Hhm, I thought if I photographed in daylight it would look better?? I also believe that I have a lot to learn!

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

A me to the world interface system!

Had some fun with a couple of los, seems like ages since I've done any, where has March gone already? The hands one is following Kirsty and Roz's Book of Me prompts on UKS, and this month the challenge was to - use your hand prints! I kept it very simple, partly because I've been doing all my BOM los on 8x8s and I have big hands so didn't have much room left, and partly cos I just thought that well, my hands do everything in my life, so I wanted to sum it up in one sentence rather than keep on stating things. So my sentence is........"My hands - a me to the world interface system!" Can you tell I've been doing computer courses again??
My other lo is for my UKS team's in house fortnightly challenge, and this was a hard one - to scrap your favourite waste of time - I mean how can you choose when I have so many? We also had to use green and orange. So my favourite waste of time is..... words. Yep, in all guises (including blogs!), if I want to waste time I usually read a book. or play scrabble or boggle, or text, or email or......... So, what's your favourite waste of time?

Washington trip minibook

Well here it is, the minibook I made following Shimelle's video on the Fiskars site. I like this idea a lot,though I have a few confessions, mainly that I don't seem to be able to cut things into equal sizes..... hmmm, maybe I was doing it too late, or maybe I just don't pay attention, cos I also stuck on the tabs in the most awkward place to actually use to turn pages (cos so many are landscape rather than portrait, but I didn't think of that.... Must pay more attention I think!
Piccies are from a trip I took to Washington DC with a couple of pals, quite a few years ago now, to attend the Virginia Scottish Games. Boy, that was an experience, as the saying goes "There's none more Scots than the Scots abroad"... there were all sorts of things, a dogs of Scotland parade, and the fabby Westie puppy races; a tent selling all the rubbish that Scotland passes as food (heaven for the sweet toothed!); and tartan galore. But good fun was had all round, and I've put a few pages below.

Monday, 19 March 2007

K is for...

Week 11 of Emily Falconbridge's Art Journal Cards.... where does the time go eh? This week the challenge was to use your initial, that letter that kind of sums you up. I use it all the time, in txts, at the bottom of emails to friends and colleagues, in formal stuff with my last name as well, all sorts of places. So here it is, my big red bold K!

And while the paints were out I did the bases for a few more cards, and a another couple of wee canvases. I love this coppery acrylic (bought from Tescos with my messages even!), so will need to think up a few more things for it.

The weather is being kind of weird here - blizzards that last about 10 minutes and then the sun comes out and it looks like spring, but oh boy is it cold!

I love the recent mini books that Shimelle has put on her blog, so am off to have a wee play and see what I can come up with. See you soon.

K x

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Note to Self...

Relax, breathe, create, relax, it's simple!! And if I'd had any room left I would have said "And smile!!" This is week 10 of Emily Falconbridge's fab deck of cards prompts, and I had fun with this. I wanted to make it much more colourful than the rest, but this is how it turned out! And I will try to act on my note.... And here are weeks 1-10 all grouped together - quite fun seeing them like this. Anyone know how they're going to store theirs yet?

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Inspiration found!

Finally done something creative this week, and caught up with with Emily Falconbridge's Art Journal Cards (just in time to get the next prompt!). Here is week 8 (on the right) which was who or what do you miss. This was hard, there are people I miss but didn't feel I could scrap, there are places I miss but not so much that I'd want to go back, there are things I miss but only now and again. So I realised that there are things I miss out on in life, cos I can get so tied up in things that you lose sight of what is important. Week 8 is on the left, and the prompt was what inspires you. Well for me it is the land and the light, the sea and the waves on the shore, patterns in the sand, snow on the hills, clouds in the sky, rainbows, mountains, rivers, rocks and all the colours of the land. Scotland inspires me.

Friday, 9 March 2007


Not done any scrapping this week, been busy working and haven't felt too good these past few days, so have been sleeping and sofa hopping all day instead. So here's some piccies, that I've been meaning to scrap but am not quite sure what to do with! I took them with my mobile phone camera at an amazing 'installation' I suppose you'd call it, up north. The structure is made from willow and is just amazing, you can walk through and in and around, and it looks like it's just grown that way (it didn't, it's been made). The plan is apparently to burn it in May, so will need to try and catch that. Bit Wicker Man ish though.... Hopefully I'll be a bit more on the scrapping ball tomorrow and can catch up on the art journal cards, and go see some other folks' work on the journal ring too! Will definitely need to tidy the scrapping space though first though, you can hardly see the carpet, never mind the bed or the desk top. How come things get so messy? Or is that just me? There's a real tidy soul trapped inside me, but sometimes I seem to keep it very well hidden....

Saturday, 3 March 2007

You're my best friend!

Hi folks, back again from the wet one day and strangely sunny the next north west. I was at a yoga class today, so have been kind of tired this evening with only one wee layout and absolutely no tidying up done at all. It's an intensive start up yoga weekend so I'm back there at 10am tomorrow, let's hope I can cope!
So this is what I did tonight. My UKS team, the Bitty Blossoms, are runnng an in house fortnightly challenge, and this time it was to use a photo of your other half or best friend, 4 patterned papers, cut with straight edges like patchwork and stitching. Well, I still don't have a piccie of my OH (I know, I'll get kicked out of the scrappers' club), but this wee bear, which you may remember celebrated his 21st birthday at Hogmanay, is definitely a good candidate for best friend!