Why you use their floorspace to block shawls! And very handy it is too - saves me from having to walk over damp towels and stretched out woollies in my room. The pink one my mum knitted about 3 years ago from some alpaca dk and she uses it a lot around the house and as a bed shawl, so it's been in the wash. The other one is my first clapotis done out of Natural Silk Aran. And I must remember to get more glass headed pins as they're much less painful after pushing in several hundreds of them...
And I've finished the waistcoat from Cotton Jeans! It's the Urchin pattern from RYC Classic Beach book but I wasn't sure about having a short sleeved cardi so just turned it into a waistcoat instead. I didn't put buttonholes in the band as I'm thinking of making it some kind of edge to edge thing instead... okay I just hate doing buttonholes in cotton - I can never seem to match them up properly somehow as cotton is pretty stretchy.
So next on the last summer sale yarn stash bust is the Diagonal Front Jacket from Debbie Bliss Home book - I'm using Rowan again - silk cotton this time - 20 balls in a lovely brick shade for 80p each last summer... can't beat that really.
Well the sun shone, eggs were painted and rolled, cakes were baked and eaten, the nephews ate the chocolate while the grown ups were good and didn't, little chicks and bunnies got found in the garden and lots of pics were taken! So, definitely a good Easter!
I've been knitting away on the Rowan Cotton Jeans and have pretty much finished the Urchin - as a waistcoat though I think as I'm not that fond of short sleeved cardis. Just got the button band and finishing to do. I wore the striped Buckland cardi on Saturday which was good - but the cotton has stretched quite a bit on the picked up button band edging so think I might need to frog and redo that bit. Bother! I hate doing button bands ...