Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sock it to me

There's something really calming about always having a pair of plain, easy to knit socks on the needles - all ready to go in their little project bag which can be grabbed and stuffed into a handbag at the last minute. You can knit them in the car and on the train and in the waiting room and all sorts of places. There's very little to think about with plain knitting, but the fab colours and patterns keep you going. So here's the latest finished pair - all purpley and soft.
 And I'm already on the second one of their successors - Don't think I could travel without a pair of socks on the go...

Thursday, 9 February 2012

It growed!

So the blanket wasn't really big enough, and I did have 5 balls of wool left (and some odds and ends), so of  course it had to get bigger. I picked up stitches and extended it log-cabinwise, then added an icord edging. I don't know if it's how you're meant to do an icord edging but it seemed to work!

Mum's birthday Shetland shawl grew pretty quickly too - just over 10 days of knitting then a day to block it out. I love the way the colours wave in and out with the Old Shale pattern. It was great to do and I think she liked it!